2011 Overload

It is, once again, time to turn another page. In three days, 2011 will end and the new year begins.

This year was a very good year for me, a real take off from the traumatic 2010 that was. It started a bit rough but things improved as the year progressed. The last six months just became awesome.

February saw me getting a blog award from “pinoyworking mom”. Nothing is more encouraging than getting noticed by other fellow writers.

March shocked the world with the Japan earthquake that measured 8,9 on the Richter scale and killed an estimated 17,000 people.

June ushered a new adventure, I got involved in a small home business. Although I’m taking a break from it right now, I still have plan to continue.

July brought new company, “George and Winona”. It was short-lived but fulfilling just the same.

August was a healing month (Actually the whole year has been), and saw the blooming of an old friendship that’s continuously going so incredibly well.

October made many sad with the death of Steve Jobs, a prominent figure in the world of computer technology. On the brighter side, I got hired for a commissioned work doing illustrations for a Bible story book and I suppose I’m now a published artist?

November was the christening of our bahay-kubo (nipa hut cottage), a few family gatherings and a fire that sent more than 40 fire trucks over our area.

December gave me the opportunity to minister in another church.  But before 2011 wraps up, another tragedy struck the Philippines, typhoon “Sendong” caused major damage took a thousand lives in Iligan city (south)

Except for the disasters that struck my country, overall, 2011 has been a redeeming year for me. I saw my dad’s remarkable recovery. Although he’s still not out of the woods yet, he has made an amazing comeback. I’ve also made some personal improvement in my life in the last few months, and who knows, I just might change status next year. 

I’m thankful for many things. God is good and I should never doubt that.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
