Thinking too much can kill you

My dad recently had a medical check-up; he’s lost a lot of weight and energy. It started last February when I had my accident. I’ve recovered from it but he seems to have gotten stuck. Since then his health just took a plunge.

Finally, after much convincing, he went for a check up. We braced ourselves and prepared for the worse, although confident in prayer, still feared what the doctor might find.

But God is so good, and I certainly don’t dismiss the possibility that a miracle has happened and God truly answered our prayers, my dad passed all the basic tests, cleared of diabetes, heart and lung problem and since the doctor changed his hypertension meds, his BP seemed to have improved too. But just to make sure, the doctor recommended he see an Oncologist (Tumors and Cancer specialist) but since his urinalysis (forgive me for the medical terms) and blood chem test were negative, we’re very hopeful.

The doctor said this decline of health could be psychological. My dad is somewhat of a Hypochondriac (my assessment only, and look it up will you), he often think he’s seriously ill and doesn’t want to go to the doctor for fear of what might be found out and this could be the root of his health problem.

I’ve an aunt who’s the same (on mom’s side). She has gone through medical check ups and everything but nothing could be found. I never thought stress could lead to so much health problems before.

Stress, anxiety and depression results in nights of no sleep, loss of appetite, two vital things we need to remain in good shape, sleep and food, the lack of both would really affect your body and can make you really sick.

True that life is fraught with problems and most of the time, the stuff that we worry about are actually baseless or something we can’t do anything about anyway no matter how we get anxious about them. Life is too short; we don’t need to speed it up by getting too stressed.

Be positive and always look on the bright side of life (according to nanna). Remember that life is like a wheel, you’re on the bottom at the moment and everything is going wrong but the wheel turns and tomorrow is another day.

And don’t forget God is on top of things and he’s just a prayer away.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Further readings:

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."


Toyin O. said…
so true. those whose mind stay on him, he keeps in perfect peace.