Dating and courtship (Part II)


I don’t know about other countries but in the Philippines, courtship used to be the traditional and only acceptable way to win a woman’s favor.

In the olden days, courtship meant a man had to gather firewood and fetch water (from a well, river etc.) for the woman he wants to have (and this may include her family’s needs too). Women were highly regarded and the men had to really work hard for love. The tradition changed as the world changed, from firewood and water to flowers and chocolates; from ‘hard’ to ‘easy’.

Nowadays men hardly or even want to do anything at all. They wink and say some flowery words and we (women) give in. Have we (women) stopped thinking we’re worth all the work? Or has the men become too lazy?

Courtship used to mean ‘proving your love’ in my culture. Now, if there’s any courtship left at all, it’s become nothing but a show off of a man’s ‘best foot forward’ that isn’t even him, and his ability to lie, and buy gifts while the girl he’s courting takes advantage of his generosity - so where’s the love there?

The objective is no longer to prove ones love but to not get burned, and often, taken advantage of.

Further readings:
Dating and courtship (Part I)
Love in waiting (part III)

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
