Be proud you're waiting till marriage

Why not?

According to Wordweb (A computer/internet program dictionay), “chaste” means the following:

1. Morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse)
2. Pure and simple in design or style
3. Abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse

In the olden days, being a virgin was the norm. Pride for women came with being morally upright. Nowadays, if you openly admit you are waiting until you're married, the world looks at you like you're out of your mind. Some even get persecuted and accused of being self-righteous hypocrites. Worse, others would go at lengths to convince you and tempt you to change view. AND THAT IS JUST SAD.

There is no reason for us, “Purity” advocates, struggling to live our cause, to be ashamed (goes for the guys too) of.

1. We’re obeying God’s command! We’re doing the right thing. And we’re not losing or will be losing anything if we waited until we’re married.

2. Abstinence is hard work! We’re all born with the natural design to desire sex, men and women. To think the females have it less is not correct. We’re just as vulnerable as the men and temptation is just as difficult for us to run from. With all the bad influences and pressure from the secular world, media, the declining moral of the society, it’s a hard choice.

So if you say, I’m being proud because I’m a virgin, YES I AM! I take pride in being among the few still practicing abstinence and may I encourage every single woman and man reading me to take the same advocacy.

And may the Lord keep enabling us to do so until the right time comes with the right one (husband), in the right institutional setting (marriage).


Further Readings:
Why wait till marriage
Love in waiting part III


bokjae said…
Hi! Theresa, keep up the fantastic work here! As your bro-in-Christ we need women to uphold the Lord's Standard! Cheers!
Thess said…
Thanks for dropping by bokjae.

God bless