Catch Him and Keep Him...NOT! II

(A book review)

I just happened to click one of the ads on my page the other day and landed on a promotional site for a book written by someone and a portion caught my eye. This particular part talked on some reasons why we can’t keep the man we like.

Well, here is my “sort of” partial review of it. My comments are in red and blue.

So part of the promotional page reads as follows:

"Too much physical contact, especially in public.If you are constantly hanging on a man or touching him too much he'll start to see it as clingy behavior... but you'll never hear about this from him. It's far better to save your touches for short and infrequent moments that will surprise and enchant him."

Agrees partiallyAside from the reasons mentioned above, the guy might also think you’re easy and that you get overly affectionate with everyone who comes along. Could get tiring too, plus, it’s temptation.

"The next 3 are far deadlier, but less obvious... and it's important that you learn what they are and how to avoid giving them off.

But before I show you how to do that, let's talk about mistake #2:"

Where??? The last 3 never made it to the page. Maybe the author forgot? Anyways, this early, it seems like the book is all about “Whom you shouldn’t be, what you shouldn’t say, how you should talk to the boys in order to sound sassy and smart”, in short, it teaches you to use tactics of putting on a fake you to keep the guy you like interested. Now, unless the man you like have no discernment at all and can’t tell the truth from fiction, won’t he eventually figure out you’re really not the person you show to be?

If there’s one part in this page I liked, it’s this one:

"Mistake #2: Appealing To His "Sexual" Side Instead Of His Emotional Side

Many women make the mistake of thinking that men are primarily driven by sex alone... and think if they can attract a man SEXUALLY they will be able to attract him EMOTIONALLY as well."

Agrees!If you think the only thing the guy you like has in mind is sex and the only way to get him is through it then either you really see him that low or it’s all you’ve got to offer and resorting to it.

The one thing I noticed missing in his book is the spiritual aspect in a relationship. The importance (often overlooked) of it, more than just making the right or wrong impression on the opposite gender.

The book just tells women how to be a “smart aleck” with the guys, how to play “hard to get”. For his information, we women, DO NOT need a book for that. And I don’t believe there’s one formula that works with all and for all. Each friendship is unique. Couples bond differently from other couples.

The author is Christian Carter (No, I don’t know if he’s Christian and just to be fair I have to tell) and the book is “Catch Him and Keep Him” It’s not so bad but not that good either. To be honest, I don’t think it’s worth your money. Impression doesn’t make a relationship last. Love and relationships are more complicated than just exchanges of smart-ass dialogues, tricks and imprints.

I’d rather you get one that tackles more than just impression; one that gives very good advices on making wise relationship decisions with spiritual soundness.

Further Reads:
