Miniature Foodies

I've been spending a bit more time with my nieces and nephews lately. I've been setting some time during the day to play pots and pans with them when I'm not too busy. In the course of one of our play time, and they love playing restaurants or birthday party where we pretend to cook and chop leaves and cut carton boxes as food, I thought why don't I make them fruits and burgers from clay? So I went online and searched for options and stumbled on "RE-MENT miniature kitchen play collectibles" which are really not toys but collectible items. They are nice but I'm not game to spend on them as I'm really not a collector so I thought why don't I make my own miniature collection.

So we went to the bookstore and got me some cheap play doh to knead and I discovered another artistic side of me that I have not known to exist. My first burger and fries gave my nieces and newphew (aged 4,6 and 7) such pleasure that I didn't stop from there. When I heard my youngest niece exclaimed "OH, (hollering to her big sister to come and see my work) and running down the kitchen where I was at the time, to tell me how beautiful my burger and fries are, her face beaming with surprise, it melted me. 

And then everyone else who pass by my small collectibles noticed them and thought they're good so my featured art for January of this year are my miniature creations. 

a burger bun is about the size of the average female thumb and to give you an idea on how miniature my collection is, here's a photo I took of them with a pencil.

Of course they're not as good as the RE-MENT collectibles but I enjoy making them, therapeutic as well. 

"Creativity is my escape." - Theresa Flores Painter

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
