What are you getting for Jesus this Christmas?

In a week’s time, we will be celebrating Christmas and a week after; the new year will be coming in. How time swiftly comes and goes. Soon I’ll be doing my yearly recap and saying farewell to the old year.

Christmas is a time of mixed emotions for many people. To children it’s a joyous event, what with all the presents and feasting that awaits them, for the family oriented, it’s the numerous reunions that they look forward to, the “Noche Buena” and “Media Noche” . To Scrooge sympathizers, it’s nothing but a waste of time and money. And unfortunately, to many more nowadays, it’s an opportunity to rebuke the Christians for saying “Merry Christmas” and instead impose on “Happy Holidays”.

For me, it’s that once a year privilege to give and share. My disability pension doubles in December so  I have a spare to buy something for my nieces and nephews, my husband and whoever else I can afford to give to  and I love shopping for them whenever I have that extra to spend. It’s only at Christmas that I get a bonus so I guess when you receive a blessing, you give back.

And then I thought since I’m celebrating the birth Of Jesus, what have I got to give Him? What would He most enjoy from me?  So I thought of something that I’d do solely for Him from me. My point is that after all the shopping and merry making, the countless gatherings with friends and relatives, what are you getting for Jesus this Christmas? What’s that special thing you will start doing for Him this season and onwards?

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
