Online Relationship II – (Be safe)


Since our last conversation was about you and the importance of being true, I suppose we can talk about the “STRANGER” now. And if you have taken the task to be truthful, you deserve honesty too.

It’s said that you never really know someone until you marry that person. It’s so true! I’ve known my husband for 14 years, 11 years as a friend, 1 year in an online relationship and for 2 years now (whew all that math!) I’ve been waking up to him in the morning, spending most of the day in his company and go to bed with him at night but I still discover things about him I didn’t know before. I guess I’m in for a lifetime of surprises huh?  How much more this “STRANGER” you haven’t even personally met.

How well you do you think you know him? On a scale of one to ten, how confident are you that all the facts you think you know about him are actually true? Should you ask him for proof of every word he has said to you? That would be rude and insulting. But you have to be wary and protect yourself too. I mean, really, anyone can lie and make up stories about himself online. Here are some points to think about, questions to answer, and see how your special friend online will fare.

Is his profile picture really him?
I’ve seen this too often, people who uses photos of famous people for their profile picture. How certain are you that he is really a true-blooded Australian, American, Italian etc. not an Indian, Pakistani or Nigerian?  It doesn’t really matter where he’s from but is he being truthful? That’s the point. In the case of an internet acquaintance, I think a little paranoia is ok, you can’t be too careful these days online. Scammers are all over the place.

Do your own investigation. If you mean to be just friends then don’t bother at all BUT if there’s something more and you’re beginning to like him and according to him he likes you too (assuming you’re not assuming he likes you too but he’s actually told you he’s interested in more than friendship) then by all means, to be fair to yourself, be nosy, it’s your heart that’s on the line here and maybe your pride too.

Ok, there are ways to know if the profile picture is genuine. It’s simple, videochat. I didn’t like my husband’s profile picture on his blog. He looked like Saddam Hussein. Fortunately he looked a lot better  in the videochats but his pictures online were definitely him. Don’t be shy to ask to see him live, if he’s true to you, he will grab this opportunity. If he starts making excuses, he’s willing to see you but not willing to show himself, then there’s something fishy there. If he claims to be an engineer, paid well, has money, uses the latest laptop but can’t afford a webcam,..need I say more?

Is he really who he claims to be?
Don’t take his word for it and believe everything he says unless it’s backed up by facts you can verify or see for yourself. On his Facebook account (because fb is the biggest and most known social network these days and everyone is in it), does he have real friends, relatives or even neighbors who know him personally who can attest to his wall posts, who can verify or refute his claim that he is indeed single, a real human being who has in fact, a social life outside of Facebook or are all the people on his friend’s list are also just women online friends like you? Do you have a mutual friend who knows him personally?
 He may be a psycho for all you know.

You see when a guy is really into you, he will take every opportunity to prove himself and his intentions . He won’t hide anything or make excuses.

If he does have family and friends on his social network account (FB or others), what’s their conversation like? Do they talk nice to each other, chat about interesting topics? Do they joke each other? In other words, is his relationship with the relatives and personal friends healthy, is there respect or do they curse, fight and have hordes of drama?

When my husband, who at that time was just a friend,  began to show interest in me. Left me messages everyday, followed me from Yahoo to Facebook, I still didn’t trust him completely, I still had a lot of reservations but when I saw how respectful they were in the family towards each other through their conversations on his wall, my trust grew like a tree. His personal friends attested and commented to photos of his woodworks and shared mutual interests. I knew then, he was authentic. I knew then, I had a good man.

Also read:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Kevin said…
Good thoughts here. Guys (and girls for that matter) do not mind verifying the authenticity of anything in their social media profiles.