The blessings of a husband

It's only 3 pm in the afternoon and I have done laundry, made stock, made lunch, did some cross-stitching and now I'm writing a post on my blog. After this I shower then help my nephew with his school project, cook again, do some more cross-stitching etc.

Sometimes 24 hours is just not enough to do all the things that needs to be done and want done. while my laundry was soaking, I made chicken stock and as I wait for both, I cross-stitched, trying to do and accomplish three things in as little time as possible.

After lunch and doing the dishes with my husband, I was just tired and ready for a break. I get to the second floor and find the study and bedroom floors brushed, mopped and polished, new sheets on the bed and Russell (my one and truly) hung my wet laundry out on the porch.

I'm so blessed to be married to someone who doesn't only know how to do housework but does half of it as well and better too than I could ever do. A husband who doesn't think wives are slaves and understands the equal responsibility of keeping ahouse. When I'm not feeling too well, he cooks also. Because of his share in the house chores, I'm able to  work at home and have my own source of income.  He's not only my provider, he's also my help, my carer, my inspiration but most of all, my best friend and partner in crime.

So I advice single women who are looking for a life partner to choose well. A good husband is a thousand blessings. Look deep inside and not only at the appearance. 

My husband is one of my greatest blessings. His love is a gift I open everyday and I'm made joyful each time. 

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


LawReal said…
i am happy for you :)
Thess said…
Hey girl! Musta na? Thanks for the comment :)