February is unnoticeably tiptoeing out and I haven’t written anything for this blog. Please forgive me for being a slack little vegemite (yes, it's Aussie speak), well, I have very good reasons why.

First of all, I have gotten busy submitting papers for my second trip to Melbourne. I’ll be leaving on the 12th day from this post and will be away for six weeks on vacation. That means I will be absent from here until my return in April. I had thought of some posts and even got some photos (somewhere in my computer) for this year’s “Love” month but never really got around to posting them. And I have a very good reason for that too.

I have accepted a translator job online! I translate manuscripts from Filipino to English and vice versa; oh the benefits of being bilingual! My client is a science fiction book writer and works in one of the leading publishing companies in my country so I feel really honored to be hired. It’s not a full-time work which makes it lovely. Although I’m given deadlines, I can work on my own pace. I like it. I’ve finished and submitted all my assignments yesterday so I have time to spare to blog for the remaining days of February and a few more of March before the Holiday and this is the first of the series.

So, how was your “Valentine”? A bit late, I know, ten days late!!! But how was it? I don’t really celebrate the 14th but I don’t condemn those who do. I believe in celebrating “love” every day the whole year round. I prefer to be surprised with my favorite snack bar on an ordinary day than a bouquet of flowers on a designated date just because everyone else is getting one, so by force, because the occasion calls for it or else…your boyfriend, husband or whoever has to buy you some. 

Just a little trivia for you, do you know that St. Valentine’s Day has been officially stripped off the Roman calendar of official Catholic feasts in 1969 because of vagueness in origin? Although the holiday has Roman and Catholic roots, no one really knows how it began or who started it, not even St. Valentines. So don’t be depressed if your Feb. 14 wasn’t so romantic or you had none at all. Again, it’s just one of those traditions men blindly practice without real knowledge of it.

Well, this is long now.  I hope I’ve made up for my lack of time to post here.  Hopefully, I could do some more before I disappear again.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
