Year 44

Ah yes, another birthday, another year. Life began 4 years ago and I have been living since then! Living life to the fullest that I can.

My husband kept asking me what I want for my birthday and I still haven't given a definite answer. To be honest, I'm quite content. Life isn't perfect and there are still a few things that would be nice to have, like a lot of money, a big house, a new car, more shoes, an entire new wardrobe etc. all those things that can be bought, stolen or broken into. All these things are not bad, they can make one happy for a day or two but they are trivial compared to the real important things in life, like love, respect, values, health, family, true friends.

I really didn't ask for anything from my husband but he took me to my favorite fast food chain and bought me my favorite cake. When I got home, I got text, personal greetings and messages on Facebook from friends and relatives near and far. 

I spent the day with my boyfriend, husband, best friend, no. 2, Russell Painter and I was remembered by family and friends, what more can I ask for? I'm just a simple woman, easy to please (well, to some extent).

So yes, on my 44th year in the planet, I am quite happy with what I have. I don't feel 44 at all but 43 and 11 months.

Thank you all for your wishes and wonderful thoughts. Happy new year!

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Spiderbeavis said…
Happy Birthday!
Thess said…
Thank you David. You're still my favorite friendly neighborhood spidey :) Happy New Year!