August Anniversary (New feature on the blog)

I used to feature my own artworks here when I started out this blog then I decided to move them to another blog that focuses on painting and the like for art enthusiasts like me. That site is still available for more of my works but I've decided as a tribute to women artists who follow this blog, to feature some of them here. Once a month maybe?

Just a treat for those who continue to read me. Who knows, I might even give out some for free. We'll see. 

August is when I celebrate my wedding anniversary, yay! 12 months together and we haven't killed each other. On the contrary, 12 months of blissful marriage, love and understanding, learning about each other and accepting. My husband is my companion, teacher, lover but most of all a true and genuine friend who takes me for who I am and who I love for who he is, the good and the bad, the brilliant and imperfect.

Anyway, here's the one I'm featuring for August entitled "The Pond Meeting". Water color pencil on board. Two ducks rendezvous on the pond for the journey of a lifetime.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
