What Fuels Porn Addiction (excerpts from Toxic Porn, Toxic Sex: A Real Look at Pornography)

One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The porn culture tells you that sex, love and intimacy are all the same thing. In porn, people have sex with total strangers -- people they just met. All that matters is my satisfaction. It doesn't matter whose body I'm using, as long as I get it. Porn gets you to think that sex is something you can have anytime, anywhere, with anyone, with no consequences. 

The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. In that context, like fire in the fireplace, sex is wonderful. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great….

To Find Freedom from Porn Addiction: Recognize the Lies 

Lie #4 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body
Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body…. 

The Most Important Relationship 
In your search for intimacy and love, pornography is an empty substitute for real love.…
Great read - Highly recommended – click here


JLTan said…
IMHO, the "no consequences" attitude to sex is bad and very dangerous. Not only for the couple, but also to their (illegitimate) children, and to the spirituality and morality of the next generation.