Key to a debt-free living (from a book and a sermon)

Our Pastor had been preaching about money matters in our church for two Sundays now. It’s true that it isn’t the Lord’s will that Christians live in debt. This is a timely message because of the financial crisis everyone is experiencing. Often people are in debt and poverty because of poor handling of money.

We will all not be rich and living in luxury BUT at least, we can all live decently and debt free if we will just learn to be better stewards of God’s provision.

Here are some of the things I’ve learned from these messages that I believe will make a difference if we can apply them:

  1. Before anything else, put aside something for God’s work – It may be to your local church, a ministry in your church or in another or mission work. And to not do it to be blessed back but to just simply have the heart to help further the mission to spread the gospel.

  1. Do not spend more than your earning - Buy and only avail of services you can afford to pay for. If you have an outstanding debt, finish the payment first before you start another loan.

  1. 10 -10 -80
Ten percent of income goes to tip no. 1 (God’s work – just making it clear, We do not practice tithing at my church. We believe in giving according to the heart’s desire – 2 Corinthians 9:7). You can do 20 % or 30, whatever you think your heart can joyfully give but 10 is a good start. After this, another ten percent (from your gross income) for saving and the rest of the 80 % is your budget.

The best way to see if this works is to start applying now. I know I will. I hope this helps.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
