George and Winona II (Companionship)

When we took my female fish from the bowl, George seemed oblivious of her absence. He didn’t seem to mind not having anyone to chase around anymore but when we put her back, that’s when it became apparent how her return affected his fishy life.

George went berserk for days, chasing and nudging Winona every chance he gets. He used to do that before we separated them for a day but not as badly as he did after we brought them back together. Sometimes I can’t help wonder if it was indeed a mating dance or the ‘George’ is just simply bullying the girl fishy.

Whichever it was, it made me realize that even animals need someone, some friend, some companionship, whether for mere play or breeding. In the world (house) of humans where there’s only the two of them of their species around, George realized her importance in his fishbowl galaxy.

We’re all looking for that companionship, that unique bond with that special person and we shouldn’t give up until we find that piece of puzzle that needs to fit.

Happy hunting!

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
