Women and love at different stages II (continuation)

40s (Life begins)

Before, women would think 40 will be the end, we dread the year after 39. There’s menopause and if still unmarried, the dread of being forever spinster (being teased about it) and dying alone, and then we get surprised…

We discover there’s truth in the saying, “Life begins at 40.”

Having children would still be a blessing but it’s no longer an obsession. By this time, a woman has gone through so much already and her experiences (bad or good) have made her a better, more confident and stronger person. She knows for certain what she wants and what she needs now.

It’s this maturity and attitude that makes her attractive to some younger men (even those ten years younger). She doesn’t throw tantrums, expect flowers, has better humor, and don’t go around beating the bush anymore, and a woman in her forties is more on how much she can give rather than what she can take.

Friendships are very treasured. Her choice of life partner, again, evolves. She’s more into friendship in the relationship more than the romance. She’s definitely thinking long term companionship now, someone to grow old with who is just as mature, if not more, as her, someone respectful and spiritual, qualities that didn’t seem that big a deal before.

She had been with a cute guy in her teens, didn’t work out, with a popular one in her twenties, it failed, with a financially stable boyfriend in her thirties and it still didn’t last, she still wants romance but something deeper. She wants to marry a best friend.

50s (Peace)
Ah, marriage and having no children is no longer an issue (I still have a decade to get here). 

I know a few personal women friends who've gotten married or involved in a relationship at this age. They've raised nephews and younger siblings, have seen marriages of friends succeed and fail so the fear of their own relationship not working out doesn't keep them from risking and trying anymore. At last, there's peace 

Her joints now may be creaky and achy but don't count her out yet. There are two things why a woman of this age would still take the plunge: to have a companion or she’s in-love.

Whatever age a woman is in, there's always 'love' whether it be for a husband, friend, relative, strangers because she loves to love and be loved.

To end the series, here’s a cute love song by Adam Sandler from the movie “wedding singer”.

Further readings:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
