Never in vain

The scholarship program I’m involved in is entering its third year and we’ve been a little busy the past few days updating documents and pictures for incoming school opening this June (In the Philippines). As I was resizing and labeling the pictures (putting the names of the children and their sponsors on them), I came across some of our students’ old pictures and realized how much, in the two years passed, they have grown and improved.

Judy Ann (I’ve featured her here way back) who used to be the queen of shyness, who didn’t talk or answered back in my class (we require our scholars to attend our Sunday school for kids) now assists Sunday school and is now in the “Dance” ministry. Her mom too has become one of our Sunday school teachers.  

Our scholars come from very poor families, so poor they can’t afford to own a house. They live in makeshift shanties in a cemetery here, atop tombs. Most have no toilets and no electricity at home. When we had a “Kid’s camp” for them 3 years ago, we had to teach and train some of them how to use the comfort room.

Their progresses maybe slow but base on how their lives had been like, I’d say they’re actually doing great.

Bless our sponsors who barely know their scholars but care enough to help them go to school. They do not know the difference their support and effort make in the lives of these children.

Sometimes, we have no idea of the impact our lives and gestures of caring have on others. The tap on the shoulder, the few words of encouragement we say, the help we extend to those less fortunate than us. They’re never in vain.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters," - Colossians 3:23

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
