Is time away ok?

I think it’s ok to take a break from each other once in awhile (for those in relationships). If all that you seem to be doing lately is fighting, having lots of misunderstandings, feeling cold, tired of the same bickering you do...a time away is just exactly what you might need.

“Even lovers need a Holiday…”a song goes, gives you both time to think, to see if being without each other makes any difference. Will you miss each other; will you realize you can’t live without this other person or the opposite?

My mom said that before she and my dad got married, there was a period in their relationship when they just stopped talking to each other for a month and she thought it was really over. They didn’t have a fight, they just got cold somehow and then one day, they bumped to each other in the street and not long after, they got married.

I’ve a friend who had broken up with his girlfriend and for some 3 years remained just friends but when she went back to the country and they hung out, love blossomed again and he so quickly forgot his loyal friend, me (Ok, I’m bitter - kidding).

I don’t think time away from each other is so bad if the purpose is to clear one’s mind and to see, once and for all, if you should still be in this relationship (especially, if you’re having doubts) or it’s time to end it and move on. It’s important to know for certain before you take the plunge. As you evaluate things, do pray and ask for guidance for the decision you will have to make.

There should be consent though, don’t just disappear and leave the boyfriend/girlfriend in limbo, not having any idea what’s happening, why the person of affection is suddenly missing in action.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Steve Hawley said…
Thanks for the help with my crusade to get my picture on Sally's refrigerator. I've forwarded them- now II just need to pray!
God bless
Luke 18:1
Thess said…
Haha! You're welcome, I had fun. Hope you get your picture there and blog about it.

God bless you too.