I'm back!!!

I've missed my site!

I had no internet for a few days and I needed to submit a financial report through electronic mail so that stressed me out kinda. it was the first thing i did once I got my connection back. 

So what did I do when my internet was out? Movie Marathon! My brother put about ten movies on my computer, from Nicolas Cage movies to Russell Crowe's. Will do a movie review here sometime.

Had a blast last Sunday. Sunrise service at my church (6 AM) then we had a barbecue at our rooftop with all the family while the little ones had a great time in their inflated pool as the aunt (ME! Me!) had fun watching over them and feeding them lunch. 

Hope you all had a nice and reflective Holy Week.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


taio said…
weel come,back