Oh you better stay out of the way. This is that time of the month when men should just say yes to everything.

If she starts crying without a reason, has become so emotionally disturbed, confused, irritable, a person you don’t even know, don’t panic! Don’t put her in an institution, she hasn’t lost it. She’s having PMS (Premenstrual syndrome).

"They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken." - Author Unknown

PMS usually occurs a week or two (it varies) prior to menstruation. Some experience both physical and emotional discomfort and changes. Some have more symptoms than others. Some requires medication (for migraines and cramps) while others just need understanding.

PMS not only include cramps and bad mood swings, it also alters our libido. We become a wee bit more sexually aggressive during this time and more responsive. So if your girlfriend seem distant just a few days ago and suddenly becomes all hugging and kissing (and better have self-control and not take advantage)  and then a few days after, doesn’t even want to touch you (at the height of her period), she’s not playing games, it’s the hormones.

This is also our fertile period so if you’re married and family planning, this is the time to nail it and make babies.

For the men - Women need understanding and comfort during this period. It’s not an act that we put on or something just psychological, we go through hormonal changes that we, ourselves, not even science, can fully explain or understand.

So you see? It’s hard to be a woman. We bleed monthly; we give birth and then have to work hard to keep you, men. We deserve all the loving and respect you can give.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
