Food and sin

I've been drinking oregano extract from my mother’s garden for two days now. Believe me, it’s so bitter, the taste could kill you. I’ve been taking it because I’ve been sick for sometime now and really tired of medicines so I’m trying to inject some herbal/organic stuff in my diet, in the hope that it might help.

Well, it seems to help despite the awful taste. Sometimes the ones that are good for us are not fun to take. I’d prefer fast food burgers and junk food chips, good for the palate but BAD for your health.

Bad food is like sin and pre-marital sex; it’s pleasurable, exciting BUT disastrous, bad for your heart, bad for your soul.

Trying to eat healthy is like trying to follow God, pursuing righteousness and purity. It’s like trying to swallow the vegetable you hate but in the end; you reap the good benefits, long healthy life, joyous eternal life.

We choose what we eat, we choose how we live.

Further Readings:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
