When a woman loves a man...(Part I)

I’ll do this in a series because I don’t like long posts so bear with me.

When a woman is truly in love whether she’s a woman of faith or of the world, she forgets everything…which is not a good thing to some extent. She forsakes family, friends, anyone who’d get in her way. We are, after all, driven by emotion, our mood and most of the decisions we make are derived from what we feel rather than what we think.

The obsessive type – This kind of woman gets really possessive and to her it doesn’t matter if affection is reciprocated. She’s blindly convinced she can change the way you think and feel. So when she falls in love, whether it’s mutual or not, she’s stuck and would do anything to get what she wants not minding being ridiculed for it.

Now, there are the types that just get stuck but play it clean and then there are those who become truly scheming and manipulative (watch out). One thing, this type of girl sticks it out, got to give them some credit for being resilient.

The career oriented type – The independent, self-preserving female. To her, financial, career and emotional stability is very important if not the most important. Yes, she can love just as deeply as the “Obsessive” type but with more control, and because love is not her priority, if there comes a time she’d need to choose between the two, brace yourselves men, she might just choose opportunities over you.

She’d want a guy who’s not insecure enough to give her space, who’d be willing to support and help her advance in her chosen career. She could really fall in love with someone like this and eventually, give it all up for him. so guys don’t lose hope.

To be continued…

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
