When a woman loves a man…(Part II)


Either a woman loves you or not. There’s no in between. This compels her to serve, sacrifice, yield. Love makes a woman vulnerable.

The player – Her jump from one relationship to another or involvement in more than one at same time is probably a form of vengeance towards men, it may be springing from hatred of them (due to a traumatic experience with one in the past), low self-esteem and playing men boosts her ego or she’s really just from hell.

But can this type fall in-love? Yes. A sincere man with good intentions can turn her around. For when a woman truly falls in love, nothing is impossible.

The balanced woman – Perfect women do not exist! One might be beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted, Godly but it doesn’t mean she has no insecurities, it doesn’t mean she has no fear, and these elements throw a girl off balance.

The balance woman uses her heart and her head. Though her emotion is overflowing, she can control it. She’d fight for him but if the affection is not returned, she can let go.

She loves her man like she loves herself, so there’s not too much of both. She supports his dreams as if they were hers and lets him be himself, and love her the way he wants to.

NOTE: This I believe; no one is perfect, no love is absolute (except God’s love). If love is right and good, there’s security, there’s peace, there’s purity of intention.

 I Corinthians 13:4

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
