Men encouraging women to dress modestly

I’ve more than once read an article by a guy encouraging women to dress more properly to help them battle temptation but the moment they see one wearing less, a skimpy skirt or short shorts, they go and date them! There goes the encouragement!

If only you guys would stop dating those who wear less, every girl will start dressing more. If only you guys would start going out with Godly ones, maybe every girl would own a Bible.

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."


Mariah Gadapan said…
nice post, Thess.

I remember what i read in "Lies Young Women Believe" that we women should also be careful with what we wear because in that way, we protect men from sinning.
Thess said…
We can't protect men from sinning. Sin is an individual choice.

Many women are encouraged to dress less because they get more attention from the guys when they do, it's sad.