Spooky or just my imagination?

It’s once again “All souls’ and saints’” Day in the Philippines or “Halloween in some other parts of the world when we remember our dead and unlike all the previous post on Women-ish during this time of the year, I’m not posting a picture but is telling a story that really happened to me.

I can’t remember the date or the time but it was in the evening. I was alone in the living room (second floor) watching TV when at the corner of my eye, my nephew “Ice” just ran behind me to the bathroom. He was probably 8 or 9 then (11 now). After a time he came out of the bathroom and stood behind me, a bit to the right side and felt his arm rests on the back handle of my wheelchair. Ice has a habit of doing that even in my Sunday school class, stand behind me and I always tell him to not do that.

So nothing different this time, I told him to sit on our wooden sofa and to not stand behind me and rock my chair, watching the TV. He didn’t budge. I told him several times but nothing, so, finally, I looked back to him and…..TO MY SHOCK! No one was there. I had goose bumps up to the back of my neck. 

As soon as I saw him again, I asked him if he came to the house that evening and he didn't and my parents attested to this but I swear, I saw him ran to the bathroom that evening...

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
