Gift of celibacy: Is this Biblical?

Is there really a gift of celibacy?

I don’t know of any verses in the Bible that really mention such a gift and so, if it isn’t in the Bible, we can’t claim it, as simple as that.

What I believe is this; that each of us is called to a different service, enabled uniquely from each other to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives. Celibacy is a personal choice and conviction. If one believes in his/her heart God is calling her/him to a lifetime of singleness, and one would be more than happy to follow that calling then there’s no reason not to.

In contrast to this, I believe too that God wants us to be happy (within the parameters of his commands of course) and if being in a relationship or marriage gives us that fulfillment, we also have His blessing and He’ll be just as equally loving and pleased with us as He would be with a single person serving Him.

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."

Further Readings:
Does God favor celibacy over marriage?
