Dolores Hart (An Interesting story)

Some speculated she fell in love with Elvis but he didn’t pursue and she got heartbroken, some say it might have been the wound from her parents’ break-up (the experiences that came with it and the loneliness she felt of a child being tossed from one parent to the other and back) that never healed, that led her to decide to remain single for life.

Clearly, the wounds of detaching and breaking up had somehow influenced her to choose celibacy and live in a setting where there’s none of that. Sad but it doesn’t seem like she has any regrets at all.

But you know what else is remarkable in this story? Don Robinson, who was her fiancé at the time when she made that decision to enter the abbey, (and also in this interview) never married too and remains close friends with Dolores to this today.

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
