Touched by a stranger (a stranger no more)

I said in my last post that I’ll be talking about a friend who helped me and continues to help me with something. Before I wrote this, I asked his permission first and I know he’s going to read this so I’m only going to say good things…haha!

There’s a support group I’ve started going to a few months ago online, I go there when I’m extremely upset, depressed etc. This year just hasn’t been that good. I had the cast and now, my dad is sick. It’s harder for me because I can’t go out (haven’t been to the mall in 7 months – just home and church) and whenever problems the family have, I have to face it everyday and without a break, and add to that I find it hard to talk it out, only to a very trusted friend or a complete stranger I’ll never personally know. And this is where online support comes in.

I met Roy about a month ago in that support group place online. I’ve been there once a few months ago but didn’t bump into him till recent. And he’s helped me a lot. All I needed was just someone to talk to, my way of escaping from the same walls of my house, the same windows, the same doors.  With Roy, there’s some fun to look forward to the next day and he always patiently wait until I come. He doesn’t talk much, he lets me do all that, this is what I need after all, to talk it out.

We laugh a lot. I told him that it’s when I’m depressed that I come up with the best jokes (maybe that's why for a while he thought I'm only 14), I suppose to cover up what I feel inside, and there were times that as we talked and laughed, I was actually in tears on the other side of the screen.  

He always asks me how I am, how’s my day, how’s my dad? I can never repay him, will most likely never meet him in person , ever see what he looks like or even know his real name but it doesn’t matter.  Maybe to him, being needed and being able to help someone is enough incentive. He told me that some years back, he was the one in my place and a kind lady he met at that same support group patiently helped him but she disappeared, and maybe he’s now returning the favor by helping me.

Roy is grandfather to seven grandchildren and happily married for 36 years now, a stranger, a friend, a big brother, an angel.

And God bless him for blessing me! Who knows, this might be his mission in life. Help others just by talking to them, by just relating to another person, by loving without condition.

God bless you Raisen!

Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
