No offense

Women-ish not only addresses women’s issues but also purity and waiting until marriage. And I know some may have gotten offended (I apologize but believe me that’s not my intention) by a few of my posts that tackled purity issues.

Everybody doing it doesn’t make it right,” and shouldn’t be used as an excuse not to address it truthfully.

I don’t want to come off as a ‘self-righteous’ bigot (for I am a sinner too, forgiven and able to go on by God’s grace) who wouldn’t try to understand others’ situation, and I would but it doesn’t mean I’d approve. As a Christian woman, I go by Biblical principles, and naturally, my convictions will come out in my writings.

Godlessness will definitely triumph if we, Christians don’t stand up and speak up against what’s morally and Biblically wrong.

Further readings:
Premarital sex and false intimacy
One flesh: Sex and the human soul

"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
