Living with a disability

I’ve been a handicap person for 32 years now and has coped pretty well I think. I’m blessed to have known God early in my life and I believe He’s the strength that keeps me going.

Living with a disability is harder than what most people really think. We work doubly hard physically to be able to do the things normal people can do in a breath. Add to that the emotional ups and downs brought by your handicap you have to face every waking hour of your life.

And then there are the bullies (in your childhood, teen years and surprisingly even in your adulthood) who make it even more difficult for you, discrimination (yep there is, and it’s complicated), and then there are the people you have to be patient with who think they know but really have no idea what it’s like.

People with disabilities DO NOT need pity but rather, understanding, love AND your confidence in us, that we’re just as competent, and given the chance, the right opportunities and the tools, we can be just as productive as a normal person. Realize that we put up more with life than you think we do.

So please, next time you see a disabled person, instead of feeling sorry for him/her,  we prefer you give us respect. God bless
"Jesus Christ loves you and died for you."
