Life lessons: Wheel of fortune

We should be careful how we treat people. The ones we might be looking down on today might become the ones we’d have to look up to in the future.

Never underestimate anyone. Life is like a wheel that keeps turning on and on without end. Today, we might be on top, tomorrow, at the bottom, everyone gets a turn.

When we get our turn at the pinnacle, let’s try with our best to live it with utmost humility and not forget the people, friends and family who saw us through when we were at our low, they’re the same people we will bump into when the wheel turns.

Most of all, to remember the ONE who gives the blessings and not get lost in all the opportunities, for at times when we are at the pit, it’s God we truly call on to for rescue.

Psalm 147:6
The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.
Jesus Christ loves you and died for you.


MsRay said…
I AGREE with your post.

It is important to treat every one with kindness and respect, regardless of their status in life; to practice humility and the spirit of gratitude.