For men: What attracts women

Since June is the “guys’’ month on women-ish, I’m going to let you, men, in on some secrets on what attracts women, what makes women turn their heads and go “wow”.

Aside from the obvious, a great body, a balanced outlook in life, spirituality, AND a beautiful mind, here are some more you might not think we really die for.

Men who are good with children – Oh yes, calling the attention of uncles, big brothers, cousins who babysit, TAKE NOTE. We women find guys who are good with kids “father potentials”, nothing like a man who can handle the children and genuinely care about them. And if you can change a diaper, that’s handsome point. Men Sunday school teachers (for kids) are rare too and so they are gems.

Men who can change a light bulb – Nothing like a handyman around the house, armed with pliers and a screw driver, ready to fix the plumbing or the door that won’t open, or the computer that keeps crashing, or the car that won’t start. Yes, flex those muscles with Aces tools. Mr. Fix it to the rescue!

Men who cook – We find men who can stir fry, work out a wok and sweat it out in the kitchen very appealing. Even if the only thing they can accomplish is a sunny side up fried egg and hotdogs. Just watching them try seem worth the waste of time.

Men who are not blinded by the outer beauty – You didn’t expect this did you? There’s nothing lower in our eyes than a guy who gets all excited like a dog
(and we know what you’re thinking when you stare like that) at the sight of a pretty woman, I mean, alright, you guys are visually wired but please, don’t come off that cheap.

Just a few that I thought off, hope that helps you guys. So go pursue and conquer! Choose wisely. Remember that it's your heart, your pocket, and your peace that's on the line.


Chin chin said…
Definitely agree with those points. However, I didn't really end up with a man who has all qualities. At least blessed to have a husband who has #1 and #4 qualities. He's learning about #2 and #3 also.
Thess said…
My favorites are #1 and #2 also. You're blessed Chin, and oh i love your site too.
Mariah Gadapan said…
nice thoughts, Ms Tess. i agree.

Belated Happy Father's Day to your father! i hope he's well.