Tuna spread (make it yourself)

Do you know that tuna lowers blood pressure, could reduce occurrence of renal dysfunction, prevent coronary heart disease etc? According to a recent study, tuna is also a very good source of protein, niacin and phosphorus. And I love it.

Here’s a spread you can do that’s light on the budget but tasty and nutritious too. Keep one in the fridge and just whenever you feel like snacking, just spread!

Canned tuna (tuna chunks would be perfect – Century tuna chunks)
Mayonnaise (nope. Mayo isn’t bad. Click here.)
Pinch of salt

Chop the onions (depending on how much you like)
Drain the tuna (Use only the meat)
Mix all the ingredients together
Store in a jar or plastic container with a lid

That’s how easy it is to do. I made one a few days ago with Lia (my niece). It takes just about a few minutes of your time and only cost me around Ph 100.00. My nephews love home made spreads so if you have kids, younger siblings or nephews and nieces like me, you might want to try this and even do it with them. Spread on!
