A poem for Nanna with love

I picked up this poem just for you girl, I miss you so much. I miss our chats. No one understands me like you do , you even understand my typing more than I do and I know you miss me too because you have never met anyone as cheeky as me.

There'll be no other two women in a friendship like ours in the world. I mean who else would understand CNA? See? the readers are puzzled already. Hope you like the poem, an Australian girl wrote it.


Grandma woke one morning, to find she couldn’t see,
Wondered where her glasses went, wondered where they’d be.
She put them on the dresser, in the late hours of the night,
Tended to forget things, she’d not turned on the light.

She looked under the poster bed, and in her big black shoes,
She looked under the newspaper - Pop had read the news.
She searched inside the house, morning, noon and night,
But couldn’t find her glasses, they’d gone far out of sight.

Pop had left to go to work, he wasn’t there to ask,
Grandma really needed glasses, to finish all her tasks.
She vacuumed, cleaned, and dusted, but squinted all day long,
And as she worked she sang a tune, that was her fav’rite song.

She tried to make a tea cake, but couldn’t see the butter,
Ended up with shoe polish, oh boy, there’s such a clutter.
She even tried to wash her wig, but washed the cat instead,
Dried it in the toaster and put it on her bed.

Pop came home from work that night, and opened the front door,
Gran was sitting quietly, her finger was so sore.
She’d jammed it in the oven, while cooking up his tea,
Then tripped over the pussy cat, when it got off her knee.

Pop said “What’s the matter dear - something I can do?”
“Find my glasses dear” she said, “so I can find my shoe”.
Pop walked over to her chair, “Silly Dear” he said,
And pointed to her glasses, sitting on her head.

Kathleen Mary Xepapas, Australia

Dedicated to my beloved friend, sister, nanna and typo partner :)
