Right love at the wrong time PART III

When is love right but not quite?

The continuation…

When you still have dreams to fulfill
It’s true that it’s hard to shuffle personal life and career at same time, at same level. It’s like being slave to two masters. Without a choice we will have to priorities one above the other.

If you’re still young, a fresh graduate and you studied hard at school so that later you can build a career for yourself unless graduation was the end of the road for you and the next thing on your list is settling down, it’d be best to take a shot at your dream first. If you’re having difficulty choosing between ‘love’ and career then maybe a relationship should not be your priority right now. You don’t want regrets later that could strain your relationship or marriage because you had to abandon your dream for him.

When you’re not yet ready
You’re too young or still have baggage from the last relationship that didn’t work, you still can’t trust…then maybe you need to wait just a little bit more. Give your self time to prepare and recover. If he loves you, he’ll wait. He’d want you to be emotionally and physically well and certain before you commit. You’d want the same for him too.

NOTE: Just because it didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean we’ll never have the chance again. Just because it isn’t working out,  it doesn't  mean we have to give up or never try again. There’s always hope. Sometimes it’s just not the right time.


Unknown said…
Oh so many true thoughts here. Yes it becomes very difficult to juggle so many commitments in ones life. The unfortunate part is that our relationships are usually the first priority to let slide. More than not it is because we fall into a habit of thinking...'Oh he/she won't mind, this once'...and he.she doesn't that time....but eventually that becomes a more than a one time sacrifice on your partner and things begin to get difficult and you are out in a position to choose.
So...if we can be more aware of what we actually do put second in our commitments...then we can be more aware when they become bad habits~