Right love at the wrong time PART II

When is it wrong when it seems right?

When you’re still too young to be in a relationship
There’s nothing like young love, the promises, the thrill, the innocence, the excitement of first love BUT that doesn't mean it will last. The years pile up and we grow up, and we begin to see things differently, that life isn’t a bed of roses and that love hurts, and relationships need work.

So if you’re still young, enjoy your freedom from heartaches, make the most of your youth. Instead of spending it getting into and out, and crying a river of tears over broken relationships, use your youthful energy to learn, discover, take advantage of opportunities to accomplish things that you’d probably not have the privilege of later in your life anymore.

When you’re still in school and want to finish it
Education is now a privilege, sadly, not everyone can go to school. Some can’t afford it, and those like me (I’m handicap), can’t go to a regular school and has to settle for home schooling or other educational programs for people with disabilities or none at all.

So if you’re in school and have the opportunity to finish, be thankful and don’t let anything get in the way of getting that diploma. So, why is it not advisable to be in love while studying? I agree we need inspiration but more often than not, relationships become a distraction rather than that. It’s hard to concentrate and prepare for exams when you’re having an LQ (lovers’ quarrel) which I guarantee you, you’ll have because no relationship is perfect.

To be continued…
