Relationship fights: Does it matter who wins?

A misunderstanding in a relationship is unavoidable. You’re two individuals raised differently with distinct character and quality. There are matters you won’t be able to help not agree on. Even twins have differences.

The misunderstanding could stem from issues not addressed or something as petty as a word said or a gesture misinterpreted.

Disagreements and quarrels can either deepen the relationship if patched with better understanding of each other or break it if not resolved.

The key is meeting each other half way if both of you really can’t agree, compromise half and half. Just chill and talk it out as amicably as possible.

Does it matter who wins anyway or who is right or who will get her/his way? Think of what’s really important - you, him and your relationship.
”A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Just some of my thoughts on the subject

NOTE: If the issue is sex, he’s pressuring you to do it and you’re not married yet then compromising is not an option. Break up!
