God and our fears

The saying “there’s nothing to fear but fear itself” is true. All too often our fears are baseless. We fear things that haven’t happened yet that might, we fear failing, we fear changes, we fear anything that we can’t control.

Sometimes God helps us deal with them by allowing us to experience what we fear, to show us that we really have nothing to be afraid of because we trust HE has control of everything we have no control of.

I remember last January, on a phone conversation with Kevin that I was afraid that eventually, I may not be able to go to church anymore and do Sunday school. He said to not worry because worrying is a sin (because worrying IS NOT TRUSTING God, AND He commands us to trust Him – Proverbs 3:5,6) and we are to trust the Lord whether we understand His plan or not, and then in February, the accident happened.

Left without a choice, I had to skip church and stop teaching for a while (my greatest fear I thought) BUT I’m still here, I haven’t lost my faith (by God’s grace) and if ever it’d come to that point where I really can’t go anymore, I’d know already how to cope. And I can see that if that ever happens, it won’t be the end of the world for me, maybe just a change of ministry? Yes, after 23 years of Sunday school, it won’t be easy to let go BUT if God has other plans, who am I to say no?

When I was told I was going to have a cast, I cried. How would I go about in my everyday life with an added weight when it’s already difficult as it is without it? BUT now, the cast have been taken off and I’m still alive, got through it and survived.

Now I have to re-learn some things anew but it’s definitely made me a stronger person. God’s helped me to see how small my worries were or maybe they were not but because He’s there, I’ve nothing to fear. He’s faithful to get me through anything.

Now maybe you’re going through what you’re going through right now for you to deal with it already. Maybe there’s a lesson there for you to learn, a victory for you to earn. Whatever it is, don’t do it alone, let God walk you through it.
“Romans 8:28 –For all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
