I had an accident

I was in an accident yesterday a little after lunch time. I fractured my tibis (the thicker bone of two between our ankle and foot) and now in a leg cast. I'll write about it soon once I can stay on the computer a little bit longer.

Don't worry, I still have a reserved post I've written before the accident and will be posting that here soon. In the mean time, please bear with if I can only post one article  a week for now but I'll be back in a better shape soon.


blankPixels said…
Aw. Get well soon. And good thing you're doing okay. Anyway, I'm a regular visitor of your blog but haven't left a comment yet. Take care! :)
Get well soon. Looking forward to your next article.
Thess said…
Thanks guys, I'll write what happened to me here soon...sorry for the article lag.
MsRay said…
Hope you're feeling better now, Thess. Take care :)