Be real (If you like, you like, if you don't, you dont!)

Prefer to be hated and disliked for who you are than be loved and be made famous for the person you’re not.

When I did a survey here last November, there was one common trait those who participated and answered my queries often mentioned – “Genuiness”.

How often do we meet people who seemed really cool and likeable at first but as you get to know them more, you begin to discover they’re not who they really show to be?

If we don’t know something, let’s not pretend we do. It’s ok to not know everything, in fact, most of the time a ‘know-it-all’ is annoying. Let’s not pretend we don’t like someone when we do or lead someone to think we like them when we don’t.

I do not believe in ‘playing hard to get’. I don't like playing games. When I like someone, I let him know, that's how I'm being genuine. I can’t pretend I’m not interested but schemes to trap him, that’s low. I do think though that it’s good to not rush into a relationship but if you like someone, show interest, just don’t go overboard.

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not just to get the approval and acceptance of people around you because sooner or later, they’ll discover the real you anyway as they hang out with you and get to know you more.

At least, if you’ll be yourself, you’ll have real friends and someone special who will love you because of who you are. If there’s anything you need to improve in your looks, character, view of things (and we all do) then work on it but love yourself for being you (We all have imperfections, that’s why we need the Lord) because God loved you AND loves you unconditionally, whoever you are.
