What it means to be forty

To many women, 40 is a major change., it means you’re no longer 39...

40 could imply having kids from then on is already a risk or not an option any longer.

It could mean a few added wrinkles and creaky joints. So you have to work better on your health

It could mean that in a few years, you’ll start breaking out in sweats in the middle of the night and having ridiculous mood swings (Menopause).

It could mean that if at 40 you’re still single and unattached, you’re family will start considering buying you a husband.

TO ME, 40 is a milestone. No one expected me to live this long. To me, this means the world and everyone else is growing old except me. It means a heart bouncing with joy when someone says “Really? You’re 40? Wow, you look so young!” – Wooohooo! (being short has it’s advantages!)

It means I’m one more year wiser and experienced, AND will be making better choices and will have more freedom to make them.

AND since I’ve discovered “worrying is a sin” at 40, I’ll have a less-worrying life from now on, not worry-free but minimized at least.

So 40 means many things and a heart filled with thanksgiving for all of them!

NOTE: THANK YOU to all who sent greetings, text messages and e-cards AND called! You made my day so extra special! God bless all of you!


Unknown said…
You don't look a day over 39 1/2 :-p

Happy Birthday and many blessings! :D
Thess said…
exactly! I don't look like 40! Ha-ha

Thank you.

Blessings to you too :)