Single and a pet (Is this an option)?
I don’t know why suddenly my mom wanted a house dog AND what timing! Our neighbor’s Daschund just had babies and they’re giving them away. I heard mom and dad talking (as low as they could but I still heard them because I have radar ears) agree that this little addition to the family, may, somewhat add excitement to my life.
The good news: Pets make good and loyal company, almost better than most lifetime partners. They’d never cheat on you, never do you any wrong, they’re always there to listen no matter how much you whine. You can tell them all your secrets and heartaches, they won’t be able to reply but they can wiggle the tail. That’s better than talking to the wall.
Some singles, out of frustration from failed relationships decide to just get a pet instead of human relation, some, get pets to get attention and hopefully, human relation. I mean, admit it, it’s kind of cute seeing a single guy out in the park with a golden retriever.
The bad news: Caring for pets though is like having children. Have to feed them, train them, give them baths and attention. Although they listen very well, having no choice, chat is always one way. Our need for verbal interaction is not met.
Although we can cuddle and even sleep in the bed with them, we can’t marry, have sex or raise a family with them (Do I even have to say this?). The maximum number of years pets live is about 20 years (some dogs do but turtles might live longer) so death and separation is inevitable in a few years.
So if you’re the type of single who’s not into marriage, family life, can deal with early death, I suggest either you get a pet or enter the convent. BUT if you’re the type who holds on to the hope of marriage, is very patient and persevering, long sufferer then I suggest you get a pet to have a pet as you wait for the right person to complicate your life.