Opposites attract but do they work out?

I took a personality test and the result showed that I’m highly introverted. Although I’d enjoy the company of someone extroverted, at the end of the day and in the long run, I’d still prefer a quiet, more subdued partner in life who’d understand why at times, I need some time alone to re-energize, where a highly extroverted person (a direct opposite of me) might find that difficult to understand and live with.

A married friend of mine said that even though two people in a relationship may have opposite character traits and that balances them, they still have to have enough common ground to make it work.

For example #1: One may be extravagant while the other is thrifty. Now, in working together, this difference could balance their spending. Minor differences like this can be worked out but direct clashes of character traits may be more difficult to unite.

For example #2: You’re the quiet type who prefers being at home, to read or do your own stuff but your bf/gf prefer going to a party and being the life of it. So, okay, you compromise, you go to the party. While he’s the center of attention, you’re in a corner, bored out of your mind and just can’t wait to go home already. This might work for a couple of times but eventually you could grow apart because you just don’t enjoy the same things together. Yes, opposites attract (notice the word ‘attract’) but it doesn’t mean ‘love’.

So what do you do if you’ve fallen for someone exactly your opposite?

Well, study him/her and see if you can take it, AND ALWAYS think long-term (into the future), not just for six months. See if you have enough things in common to make it last.

However being opposite doesn’t mean it won’t work just as being the same doesn’t guarantee it will either. In the end it’s still you and the person you would choose to be your spouse who will have to work it out.

Further readings:
