If you haven't heard yet...

Just a few days ago, I was ecstatic at the arrival of my Daschund puppy we named Sarsi and sadly she had a short life. Last Sunday night, she stayed with my parents on the third floor of our house and the cat carried her off and dropped her from the rooftop during the night. She was found dead in a neighbor’s yard the following morning after a search.

This really saddened me because I remember vividly when I got home from church last Sunday, she was so happy to see me, wagging her tail like crazy, when I picked her up, she just climbed to my shoulder and started licking me all over. I’ve not seen anyone so happy to see me like that and for the first time in my life, I have a fan. She was so alive and already recognizes my voice. So when the news of her death woke me up Monday morning, I just cried (Sorry, have to include that in this story)

The neighbor who gave me Sarsi still had another daschund pup (male one) but somebody own the pup already ( a former gradeschool classmate who also lives one house from me), when he heard what happened and learned the puppy belonged to me, he decided to give his to me and dad carried the boy pup home.

That was really nice of my neighbors, and these people I barely really see since I rarely go out. The unexpected kindness of strangers or our unsolicited comfort to one, sure helps the pain of losing, whether we’ve lost a pet, a loved one, a relationship, work or anything for that matter. And our efforts are never wasted. It still makes me sad and cry when I remember Sarsi and that Sunday I came home from church (tho you might say she’s just a dog and we’ve only been together 4 days) but it also touches me just as much that someone gave up his puppy for me. If it was up to me I won’t take it but it was my dad (and I know he took it because he worried about me).

Note: We named the boy pup “Kojak”. After brainstorming for names, my dad finally agreed to this. If he lives long enough, I’ll have to buy him a chew toy to wean him off my hair clip.

God bless Gary and his family.


Spiderbeavis said…
Time to throw the worthless cat off the roof...sorry for the loss of the dog, glad ya got a new one.
Thess said…
She's been our cat for years now and yes, she's vicious, she kills even her own babies. We think she thought the pup is her liter and tried to move him to another place but accidentlaly dropped him.
josie said…
sorry for the loss, may your next puppy will grow to be healthy and loving.