Stuff you can do without, this Christmas

(Christmas 2009)
I can’t believe it’s been a year already. It seems like it was only a few months ago when I was writing about Christmas and now, here I am again.

Anyways, I’m not going to talk about things you can give or should have this season but rather stuff you can do without. So here’s the list:

1. Godlessness – We do celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of Christ so it’d be foolish to keep this holiday without Jesus. And with all the violence, crisis and hopelessness in the world today, how can we ever afford to not have GOD in our lives, Christmas or not?

2. Depression – Cheer up! The last thing you need to do now is sulk. I know that the Holiday heightens the feeling of loss (if you’ve lost a loved one), of singleness (of you’re unattached), home sickness (If you’re overseas, away from your family) etc. but we already anticipate that once December sets in so by now, we should be prepared already, and used to it and knowing that I think, helps lessen the sadness, keeping in mind that it’ll pass.

3. Enemies – Ok, now we shouldn’t have enemies whatever time of the year it is. Maybe we can patch up and make up with them this time? Well, at least don’t make any.

4. Closed bank account – Don’t spend all your money for the Holidays! Not wise! The world won’t end after Christmas so you’d still need some after. Be on a budget and remember that it’s the thought that counts NOT the amount or the price tag.

5. Poor health – There’ll be parties everywhere, shopping sprees, stress over Christmas presentations and programs, stress over what to give, to whom, what you’ll get, from whom, all that hullabaloos of the season as a result of its too much commercialization. DON’T get caught up in all of that.

Relax, breathe, peace. Remember that Christmas is not about you, not about others, not about anything material. Just think that we’re, above all of that, joyful, that once, a Savior was born and with HIM came hope for mankind.

I know it’s still three weeks away so we still have plenty of time to condition ourselves, our minds and our spirit to have a merry, peaceful, remembrance of Christ’s birth. So begin after this post.

Further readings:
