Double Standards (Women and trust issues)?

I’m to be trusted but not you
You missed a message from your boyfriend but wasn’t able to reply so when you’re finally able to, you explain the reason why you couldn’t text back right away (It could be your mobile phone was off, low on batteries, you’ve used up your pre-paid text and call card, your phone is underneath a heap of clutter and you didn’t hear it beep) and the boyfriend is supposed to just take all your excuses and believe and trust you BUT not him if he’s the one who couldn’t reply immediately?

Doesn’t the other person deserve to be trusted too? If you’re with him but don’t trust him then why are you with him in the first place? If you think you’re the only person in this relationship who is trustworthy then it would be stupid to stay with him.

I always say that if one has trust issues then one shouldn’t be in a relationship until that issue is addressed, dealt with and resolved. If you can’t trust out of fear of getting hurt (I’ve been there) then you have to get over it because when you’ve found that special “ONE” you’d love, you’ll have to learn and teach yourself to trust.

It’s ok if I have close guy friends but you can’t talk to another girl other than me

Again, “trust issue”. How come it’s ok if we have close guy friends but our men can’t even say ‘hello’ to their girl friends? I’m ashamed to say that many of us women have double standards in this area. Some women even openly flirt even in the presence of their boyfriends (Maybe to spite them or show that others are still interested but why? We’re already taken, that means someone IS interested). This gives them the notion that it’s ok to do the same and they will, believe me (maybe to spite you too and show you others are interested also – sort of give you your own dose of medicine).

How come we can have a ‘best guy’ friend who isn’t our boyfriend but we should be our boyfriends’ only best friend?

There should be mutual trust.
We want a healthy relationship where we’re not always being accused of cheating and lying and the guys want that too.

To be continued…


Anonymous said…
Hey Theresa, I really enjoyed your post on trust. I was once the girl that had logical reasons but he dare not miss a beat ~ then the tables turned on me later and I was doubted every step I made every word I spoke was judged..Some due to being inmature but later from fear of broken hearts....I am thankful that I have come to know the LORD and HE is teaching me "trust" is for only him and those that are in "HIS WALK" ... hugs to you my long distance friend ....
Thess said…
Thanks joybug - hug back at you :)