Debate over Christmas

It’s becoming common knowledge in the Christian community that December 25 (no one knows really) isn’t really the date Jesus was born.

Originally, December 25 was a pagan celebration until Emperor Constantine, who favored Christianity, declared it in A.D 336 to counteract paganism. Knowing this full well, that we’re actually celebrating a day that used to be a pagan holiday, should we continue to do so?

I believe we should for the following very good reasons:

1. It still promotes the birth of Christ and the hope this event brought to the world. The hope of salvation. I mean, no one would say, they celebrate it for the pagan god 'sun king' now.
2. In line with the reason above, it promotes the gospel – THE GOOD NEWS.
3. It promotes God's love, love for God, love for families, friends etc. and giving, so what's wrong with all that?

There’s a move now to change “Merry Christmas” to just “Happy Holidays” because Christmas (Christes Masses – early English which means Christmas mass) is associated with religion and Christianity. Do we realize what could be happening here? Emperor Constantine made December 25 the day to celebrate Christ’s birth, to promote Christianity and fight paganism AND NOW the world is trying to change it back.

If there’s anything I don’t like about Christmas now, it’s the extreme commercialism attached to it. We, Christians, should commemorate Christ’s birth with praising, prayer and rejoicing, that “GOD sent HIS SON and whosoever will believe in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16”


Unknown said…
Wow! Great post. Thank you. I haven't seen much on this subject to be honest. I do like your reasons to keep it though.
Liz said…
Merry Christmas to you! Visiting via Adgitize!
JLTan said…
:-) I made similar comments on my blog: Perhaps you could comment on what I said from a Filipino perspective?

God bless.