LCM (Love, Courtship, MArriage) Experience!

It’s the last day of November! What fun we had at the church yesterday at our “LCM” Seminar hosted by the “J-Light” youth of FTCC and we had Kevin Sanders as guest speaker (Sorry, no pictures yet, will post some soon). What a way to end the month!

Loved the videos and the way Kevin presented his topic. We went overtime because we really enjoyed the question and answer portion. Even the parents were participating. It was so cool of them to support the event. They equally had a great time and hopefully, there’ll be a “Part II”.

Obviously, Kevin didn’t bring enough books, all sold out and everyone wanted an autograph.

I think the important thing and the real objective of the affair was to open upand address the topic of pre-marital sex in the church (which has long been neglected already) was met. Hopefully, it will start awareness of it in my church so it can be more properly addressed, Biblically.

Thank you kuya Kevin for giving us our first taste of that and more power to your ministry and keep that flame burning.


Kevin said…
I had a great time--thanks for the invitation.
Thess said…
Oh, this won't be the last.

So proud of you :)

God bless you!