I’m alive!!!! (The coffin-photo booth)
Funny that nanna sent me this picture, in line with the November 1 Holliday (taken here), two days ago (only in the Philippines). She didn’t know I almost went to the hospital last Saturday afternoon due to a severe asthma attack.
I’ve what’s called “Chronic Severe Asthma” triggered by something I came in contact with that I might be allergic to but isn’t aware of, or I came in contact with a person who has some sort of respiratory infection (My dad had a flu a few days back) and caught the virus.
Good thing my medicine worked in time and didn’t have to go. My mom told me later she was thinking of doing a “tracheal intubation” (placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea to protect the patient's airway and provide a means of mechanical ventilation.) if the need arises…lol…I told her only medical experts should perform such tasks and never to try it on me…lol… the tube might go out my ears instead of down my trachea.
But I’m okay now, still on medication but doing well. Thank you to all who prayed for me and continue to pray for me. I can't die, I haven’t gotten married yet.
And EEK! Definitely shouldn't try that lol. I've been incubated awake before, because the medics thought I was unconscious ( I was just in a severe attack of cataplexy.)
That wouldn't be fun =(
I almost I had that procedure ten years ago when i had an emergency but good thing the doctors decided not to.
But awake =(