CNN Hero of the year - Efren Penaflorida (A Filipino)!

(CNN) -- Efren PeƱaflorida, who started a "pushcart classroom" in the Philippines to bring education to poor children as an alternative to gang membership, has been named the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year.

Efren is a Filipino and his efforts to help the poor Filipino children (who can’t afford to go to a regular school) to get better education has paid off. Not that he got recognition for himself but rather for his advocacy. He can now make an even bigger difference.

This just shows that ordinary people like Efren (Well, he’s no longer just that, he’s a hero now and has become an inspiration to many, not just to Filipinos but everyone) can do something and make a difference in the world.

“Mabuhay ka!” (long live!) Efren and your endeavors! God bless you more!

Further readings:
Heroes Tribute
Efren’s Acceptance speech


MsRay said…
Efren is a model to every Filipino. A modern-day hero, indeed.